Saturday, May 23, 2020
A Brief Note On U.s. Unemployment Rate - 1469 Words
Kaimeng Xing Analysis on U.S. Unemployment Rate Econ 2002.03H Nov. 9th, 2014 Since the financial crisis in 2008, U.S. unemployment rate has been an issue of importance and public concern. Why? Because the unemployment reflects current economic situation and people’s well-being in general. In this analysis, I will briefly discuss the definition of unemployment and the impact of high and persistent unemployment. Then I will analyze the trend of U.S. unemployment rate of recent months. I will also discuss different theories that explain the current trend of unemployment, some concerns and implications regarding the unemployment rate. Unemployment happens when an individual who actively searches for work but unable to find one. In modern†¦show more content†¦Now it is clear to see why the unemployment rate has been closely monitored all the time, especially at the time of crisis. The unemployment rate, after reaching its peak in October 2009, has been declining slowly but steadily, as U.S firms keep adding more jobs to the market. There was a small increase in unemployment rate in July this year (the Wall Street Journal, Aug 4th, 2014), but the unemployment rate continues to fall in the following months, and finally in this September, it falls to 5.9 percent, the first time it has been below 6 percent since July 2008 before the financial crisis (The Huffington Post, Oct 3rd, 2014). In October, the employment continues to drop, reaching 5.8 percent at the end of the month (BBC, Nov. 2014). Most of people are excited about this falling trend of the unemployment rate, believing that falling unemployment rate is a sign of economic growth for the following reasons. First, according to the Federal Reserve, the natural rate of unemployment in the United States is estimated to be 5.2 percent to 5.5 percent. Natural rate of unemployment is unemployment that is inevitable in modern economy as people change their jobs and industries emerge and fade away. Achieving the natural rate of unemployment is considered as an indicator of a well-functioning, healthy and efficient economy. An unemployment rate that is approaching the natural rate of unemployment provides a strong argument of economic recovery. Second, the textbook
Monday, May 18, 2020
Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela Book Review Essay
Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson MandelaÂâ€" Book Review Â…calm, patient determination to reclaim this country as your own, and now the joy that we can loudly proclaim from the rooftops--Free at last! Free at last! ... This is a time to heal the old wounds and build a new South Africa. Nelson Mandela fought his entire life. Nelson Mandela fought a fight for civil rights in South Africa on the streets and behind the prison walls. Even after 27 years behind those walls Mandela maintained his dignity and rose to be the first Black President of South Africa. Nelson Mandelas Autobiography Long Walk to Freedom was written up to the point†¦show more content†¦Nelson was an exceedingly popular and good student. He was involved in school boxing program and even won student office. Nelsons view for just causes is clear this early in his life by turning down the seat for student o ffice because it was an unfair election. Because of turning down this offer he was expelled. At the age of 21, Nelson returned home to find out he has been set up in an arranged marriage and he ran from home to Johannesburg. By 1941 black oppression was clear in South Africa. Segregation was clear to Mandela from: hospitals, schools, busses, trains, townships, and even jobs. Africans couldnt walk the street without being stopped and forced to show there passport. These domestic passports said when and where an African could be. During this time Mandela met Walter Sisulu an African Businessman and head of the African conference. The African conference was a group petitioning the segregation in South Africa by boycott, letters and petitions. Walter Sisulu saw a potential leader for the cause in Mandela, even though Nelson was shy about speaking in public because he thought his English wasnt good. Mandela was hired to be a clerk in the law office and at night Mandela went to night sch ool. The end of World War II, blacks in South Africa were helping the war effort for freedom against oppression but had to deal with oppression at home. Africans still had the Yes, Master attitude for the white minority. At this time Mandela formedShow MoreRelatedMandela Long Walk to Freedom1816 Words  | 8 PagesLong Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela Ââ€" Book Review Â…calm, patient determination to reclaim this country as your own, and now the joy that we can loudly proclaim from the rooftops--Free at last! Free at last! ... This is a time to heal the old wounds and build a new South Africa. Nelson Mandela fought his entire life. Nelson Mandela fought a fight for civil rights in South Africa on the streets and behind the prison walls. Even after 27 years behind those walls Mandela maintained his dignityRead MoreNelson Mandel A Biography2021 Words  | 9 PagesIntroduction ‘Nelson Mandela: A Biography’ is a biographical account of the great South African leader Nelson Mandela. 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This book is printed on recycled, acid-free paper containing 10% postconsumer waste. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 QDB/QDB 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN 978-0-07-811257-7 MHID 0-07-811257-5 Vice President Editor-in-Chief: Brent Gordon Vice President, EDP/Central PublishingRead MoreD eveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 PagesPrinciples of Management, Human Resources, Strategy, and Organizational Behavior that helps you actively study and prepare material for class. Chapter-by-chapter activities, including built-in pretests and posttests, focus on what you need to learn and to review in order to succeed. Visit to learn more. DEVELOPING MANAGEMENT SKILLS EIGHTH EDITION David A. Whetten BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY Kim S. Cameron UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Prentice Hall Boston Columbus IndianapolisRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesOne Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, or you may fax your request to 201-236-3290. Many of the designations by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial caps or all caps. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Robbins, Stephen P. Organizational behavior / Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A. JudgeRead MoreDebonairs Pizza Product-Market Expansion Growth Strategies27204 Words  | 109 PagesCentre (Multimedia Support) 6.7.7 Prescribed Textbooks 6.8 IT AND Website 6.9 Research 6.10 General 6.10.1 Ownership of work produced by students 6.10.2 Publication or display of project reports 6.10.3 Equal opportunities – Statement of intent 6.10.4 Freedom of speech 6.10.5 Graduation 6.10.6 Recognition of Prior Learning 7. WORKSHOPS 7.1 Workshop Venues 7.2 Workshop Dates 7.3 Workshop Programmes ASSIGNMENTS 8.1 Submission 8.1.1 Number of copies 8.1.2 Modes of delivery of assignments 8.1.3 Submission
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Ships during the American Civil War - 2368 Words
Throughout the Civil War the South was Favoured to win the War because of certain advantages; but with certain new unknown types of battles that started such as naval battles, and improvements to the ships of the Navy can be linked to why the North became the victor of the Civil War. For centuries before the Civil War, large naval battles had not changed dramatically. Battle in the times before the Civil War were fought by wooden, sail-driven ships carrying as many cannon as possible, which would shoot at each other until one of them became so damaged that it could not keep up the fight. In the decade before the Civil War, however, major developments in naval technology forever changed the face of naval warfare. Even though the South was thought to have the advantage over the North the North was able to take advantage of the new technologies that were coming out to actually bring them a victory that set precedents that would last till the present day. The Civil War lasted for four years, from 1861-1865. It was between the northern states and the southern states. The South was called the Confederate States of America and was led by President Jefferson Davis. The North was still the Union, and was led by president Abraham Lincoln. Slavery had been a historical problem before the war that could be linked to starting the war. In the eyes of some Southerners slavery was a necessary evil. The South found slavery highly profitable and knew their economy would collapse withoutShow MoreRelatedAmerican History: Bloodiest Battle of the Civil War in South Carolina1194 Words  | 5 PagesSouth Carolina was an important key player during the Civil War. South Carolina had major military and political importance throughout the Civil War. South Carolina was the battleground of many significant events during this time. Such as the capture of Port Royal, the Union blockade of Charleston, Shermans march through the state, the burning of Columbia, and Fort Sumter. South Carolina had many important battles fought on its territory, Fort Sumter. Fort Sumter is an island in the CharlestonRead MoreWhitm War Changes A Society1287 Words  | 6 PagesWhitman: War Changes a Society Walt Whitman, a great American poet to be compared to Emily Dickinson and Edgar Allan Poe, exists at the heart of American culture. Whitman’s work has not lost its appeal because it still applies to America in the new millennia; America is still deeply troubled by issues of division, hypocrisy, and racismâ€â€much unlike the America of inclusion and forbearance Whitman envisioned for American in Leaves of Grass. Although Leaves of Grass is often considered Whitman’s mostRead MoreCivil War Scavenger hunt1004 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Title: The American Civil War Review Scavenger Hunt Use the underlined sites to find the answers to the questions. (Place your cursor before the Question mark and type your question. Highlight a word or words and link to the web site Where the answer is located.) 1. Who was the president of the Confederate States of America? Jefferson Davis 2. Clara Barton became the first president of the American Red Cross. 3. President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated on April 14, 1865 in WashingtonRead MoreInnovative Technologies during the Civil War1339 Words  | 5 PagesThroughout the first half of the nineteenth century, there were many new inventions, and innovative technologies that played a major role in the civil war. At the time of the Civil War, many of the newfound war weapons in the Union proved essential for its victory. The new weapons showed a great change in the technological world. During the time of the Civil war, Pistols, and other basic handheld, guns were very popular, for a soldier to have. It was known for its capability of hitting a target fromRead MoreThe United States Transition From Age Of Sail1621 Words  | 7 Pagesthe mid-nineteenth century. It was a time in which our nation was fighting with wooden ships stacked with canons, and underdeveloped technology. Slowly, this started to change. As a country, the need for change began in the mid-nineteenth century, before the Civil War. The first of these technological changes was the introduction of steam power. Steam engines had existed before, but not for war. After the Civil War, the nation was defeated and unfocused on the modernization of the U.S. naval technologyRead MoreEssay about The Battle of Vicksburg678 Words  | 3 PagesThe Battle of Vicksburg The Civil war cut our nation in two, Americans fighting Americans, brother against brother. A key battle fought westward was the turning point in the war: the Battle of Vicksburg. (Williams 3) Grant began to make plans for a campaign against Vicksburg. The campaign in the American Civil War culminating in the surrender of Vicksburg, Mississippi. The Union forces under General Ulysses S. Grant on July 4, 1863. General Ulysses S. Grant with theRead MoreWar : The North And South1150 Words  | 5 PagesChapter 20: Girding for War: The North and South (Pg. 377) What menacing circumstances greeted Lincoln upon his ascension into the White House? Menacing circumstances that greeted Lincoln upon his ascension into the White House was the disunity of seven departed states and eight on the edge. The Menace of Secession (Pg. 377) What potential future and present problems with a disunited America did Lincoln concentrate on in his first inaugural address? 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Which meant that there wouldn’t be any more slavery allowed unless a serious crime was committed that person would become a slave to the government by law. When this law was passed the whole south of America went hysterical becauseRead MoreA New Battle Of The Civil War1396 Words  | 6 PagesA New War To Fight The Civil War was one of the most trying moments in American history. Two opinions trying to outweigh each other caused citizens to choose to be united under two different flags instead of one. Both sides, the Union and the Confederacy, have their own interpretation of how the war happened. For example, a citizen (although their identity is unknown) noted that â€Å"The civil war was a whole new type of warfare. Unfortunately, the only way one could learn how to fight in this new type
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Nuclear Weapons And Its Impact On The World - 1702 Words
Throughout history many progressions in science and technology have set us ahead of other nations both scientifically and militarily. The use of new technology to set us ahead of other nations was imminent. With the creation of planes and tanks in the First World War the advancement of new technology and nation destroying weapons were not far off. With the threat of the Germans creating Wonder Weapons which could win them the war and the world we enlisted the help of defected German scientists and Americas greatest minds scientifically and military alike. With the fear of losing hundreds of thousands of troops in japan we used the first atomic bombs setting a new world standard for warfare and changing the way our nation was viewed. The†¦show more content†¦Albert Einstein who escaped Nazi Germany and Enrico Fermi who escaped fascist Italy these two who defected to the United States informed the president of the power the Axis nations were working on. With Einstein pushing P resident Roosevelt to research this power from splitting uranium atoms and the President seeing no use for this he slowly started agreeing. In 1942 the Manhattan Project group is created with the idea to make the world’s first Atomic Bomb (Sherrow page 6; â€Å"The Manhattan Project†Web). The Project was held at first out of only a few colleges, Columbia University, University of Chicago, and the University of California at Berkeley. The same year that the project was established the first controlled nuclear reaction was achieved by Fermi and the S-1 group at the University of Chicago. With this success more funds were placed into the project and development of the bomb. Nuclear facilities were built at Oak Ridge, Tennessee and Hanford, Washington. The main station and bomb building plant was placed in Los Alamos, Texas with Robert Oppenheimer as the head. The main Power source for the bomb is Uranium-235 and that that its isotope would work as a fuel source for a nuclear device. The process though of separating Uranium-235 and Uranium-238 would prove very difficult but necessary to gain access to the fuel source (Sherrow page 7; â€Å"The Manhattan
Ptlls T3 Assessment Task Free Essays
Everyone within the educational system is entitled to equality, differentiation, inclusivity, diversity and entitlement. Equality – All students should be treated equally regardless of age, gender, and ethnicity. I therefore would ensure that all students are treated equally regardless of these factors. We will write a custom essay sample on Ptlls T3 Assessment Task or any similar topic only for you Order Now Differentiation – It is very important has a teacher to be able to differentiate between all my learners. My approach to teaching must ensure that all students learn well despite their many differences. The main thing with differentiation is to always remember that all learners are individuals. Because of this i would continually assess all learners throughout their course. Inclusivity – Within the classroom it is important that all learners are made to feel and are actively included in the subject material that i am teaching. They must be made fully aware and are able to understand and participate in all the classroom activities. To make sure all learners are included i would try to make learning as enjoyable as possible through a variety of learning styles. Diversity – No two learners are the same, everyone is different.Therefore diversity consists of visual and non-visual factors which would include personal elements such as culture, background, religious beliefs, race, disability, age and gender. Therefore all these factors must be taken into account within the classroom environment. I would therefore respect each and everyone’s diversities, and would strive to make sure that all learners respect and appreciate on another also. If i had a learner that needed specific support that i am not able to deal with personally then i would have to consider referring them to another department or possibly another organisation. How to cite Ptlls T3 Assessment Task, Papers
Ptlls T3 Assessment Task Free Essays
Everyone within the educational system is entitled to equality, differentiation, inclusivity, diversity and entitlement. Equality – All students should be treated equally regardless of age, gender, and ethnicity. I therefore would ensure that all students are treated equally regardless of these factors. We will write a custom essay sample on Ptlls T3 Assessment Task or any similar topic only for you Order Now Differentiation – It is very important has a teacher to be able to differentiate between all my learners. My approach to teaching must ensure that all students learn well despite their many differences. The main thing with differentiation is to always remember that all learners are individuals. Because of this i would continually assess all learners throughout their course. Inclusivity – Within the classroom it is important that all learners are made to feel and are actively included in the subject material that i am teaching. They must be made fully aware and are able to understand and participate in all the classroom activities. To make sure all learners are included i would try to make learning as enjoyable as possible through a variety of learning styles. Diversity – No two learners are the same, everyone is different.Therefore diversity consists of visual and non-visual factors which would include personal elements such as culture, background, religious beliefs, race, disability, age and gender. Therefore all these factors must be taken into account within the classroom environment. I would therefore respect each and everyone’s diversities, and would strive to make sure that all learners respect and appreciate on another also. If i had a learner that needed specific support that i am not able to deal with personally then i would have to consider referring them to another department or possibly another organisation. How to cite Ptlls T3 Assessment Task, Papers
Leadership Model to Effectively Lead and Manage People
Question: Discuss about theLeadership Model to Effectively Lead and Manage People. Answer: Introduction Leadership refers to the act of influencing other people to work towards a defined objective and guide the entire institution in a way that makes it more coherent and cohesive. Therefore, leadership models are the strategies and styles that are employed by leaders to approach their duties which include; implementing plans, directing, motivating other team members, and inspiring people. My personal leadership model would mostly work towards strengthening teamwork, advocating for respect and active participation. It would mostly focus on encouraging and improving the inputs of the people I lead, however, I would take the lead role in conducting the final leadership requirements like making decisions. My leadership model additionally ensures that the morale of the individuals I work with is boosted, at the same time making them feel important to the course (Sethuraman Suresh 2014, p.165). This particular leadership model is very critical when trying to introduce certain changes within the team since all the group members are involved in the main processes. Some of the main issues that would be addressed by my leadership model include; Developing ideas and creativity in my followers. Getting the best out of every individual that participates in the team I manage and lead. Matching the model with engagement and empowerment procedures within the institution. Building a feeling of dedication and showing that expertise and skills exhibited by the members are highly appreciated and valued. Making sufficient time to select crucial decisions which require everyones presence and contributions. Guaranteeing effectiveness with well-informed and qualified team members in cases where they may be knowledgeable. The Main Organizing Idea in My Leadership Model Even though leadership can be learned, some of the most powerful knowledge and skills attributed to leaders can be influenced by factors such as character, ethics, values and beliefs. A leaders skills and know-how directly add to the leadership process, on the other hand, other attributes, or individual characteristics can make a leader stand out from the rest. The main organizing idea in my model is traits; personal characters are essential elements of leadership (Rogers 2012, p.47). For instance, several leaders may learn the skills and techniques required in professional counseling. Nevertheless, the individual traits dominant in these leaders will significantly affect the counseling process and the outcomes. Leaders who demonstrate empathy are more equipped to conduct effective counseling which is more likely to help the individual to whom they offer this service. People often have a desire to be directed by respectful and visionary leaders (Sardana Kumar 2016, p.63). Moreover, to gain respect, leaders must be guided by the moral codes of ethics and demonstrate a sound and clear vision of the future. Personal traits are mostly applied by others to enable them to decide if they can respect their leaders since these qualities allow people to know who we are when not governed by academic qualifications and professional expectations. Also, personal traits enable individuals to determine if a leader is trustworthy, selfless, and honorable. Therefore, traits are very effective in showing the outside world if a manager is honestly responsible and committed, or if they perform their duties only for professional, financial, and reputational gains (Marques 2007, p.263). Critical Tasks, Skills, and Traits of an Effective Leader Some of the primary duties of a leader include; motivating the followers, directing material procedures, making decisions and implementing plans. The leader should be trustworthy, ethical, and confident when carrying out his or her duties and responsibilities. Additionally, an effective leader must exhibit standard communication skills, problem-solving skills, listening skills, and decision-making skills. These vital skills are imperative since they enable smooth and clear communication within the organization and enable the leader settle various disputes which may compromise employee satisfaction and productivity. Some of the most important leadership traits include; keenness, persistence, understanding, charismatic, optimistic, goal-oriented, and hardworking (Hill Lineback 2011, p.150). Core Values of Participative Leadership Model Some of the most fundamental values of my leadership model include; building trust, good listening, sharing information, being accessible, and communicating authenticity. Creating and maintaining trusting relationships ensures that values, concerns, and interests are generously shared for improvements (Weinzetl 2010, p.25). Secondly, listening means that a leader must always give the followers adequate time to express their ideas and concerns. Good listening skills enable the leader to gain respect and attention from the members. More importantly, the leader can gather additional valuable information that may help him or her bring more developments within the organization Sharing information is a significant value which leaders must embrace as it helps the followers and even the senior people see, understand and comment on the big picture. Consequently, it shows accountability and trust which is very necessary for adequately running everyday processes even in the absence of the leader (Vidic Burton 2011, p.280). Being accessible to the group participants is also essential. Accessibility ensures that the leaders have adequate time to empower their followers and ultimately boosts transparency. Leaders can be available by regularly responding to emails and phone calls, holding regular formal and informal meetings, and frequently engaging in friendly discussions with the team members. Finally, communicating authenticity ensures that a good leader is capable of reflecting the reality in the manners and words of each team member. Moreover, it enables a leader to communicate with the necessary authority they have been accorded (Gu nzel-Jensen Kjeldsen, 2016). Significance of the Leadership Model to the Existing Group Relationship This leadership model will improve consistency and trust within the group. This is because every member of the group feels accepted, appreciated, and involved in the main processes that are undertaken by the team. The leader in this kind of model includes different individuals in decision-making processes to determine the best solutions for various concerns. The leader, therefore, makes maximum use of the expertise and skills of several followers and makes the final decision on what is beneficial to the organization or what is not. Applying this leadership model is mutually beneficial as it makes both the leader and the followers more efficient and effective (Garrison 2013, p.16). Culture of the Organization that Would Exist With the introduction of this leadership model, a culture of organizational socialization, team-work, and collaboration would be nurtured and maintained. The model of leadership ensures that everyone is involved and their contributions highly valued hence developing respect and team-work. Moreover, consultation will be encouraged since the leader can get information from other empowered members of the group. Finally, efficient communication channels, decision-making processes, and problem-solving skills will be reinforced and maintained. Due to these attributes, the organization will most probably achieve success and meet their goals and objectives (Freedman, 2012). Aims and Objectives of the Leadership Model The primary goal of this particular leadership model is to increase collaboration and cohesion within an organization. This model plays a very fundamental role in ensuring satisfaction among the team members, since it enhances a sense of involvement, control and autonomy. Additionally, the model ensures the development of great creative solutions due to the participation of members in the vital processes. Moreover, the model puts emphasize on providing a timely and efficient delivery of solutions to complex issues. With this model, the leaders can employ a consensus of ideas and opinions to ensure smooth running of duties. Importantly, this participative leadership model aims at encouraging innovativeness which is supported by every member of the team (English 2006, p.465). Reasons for Selecting this Particular Leadership Model This particular leadership model is very different from the others since it enhances feeling of control, participation, and autonomy. Unlike the others, this design creates unity between the leaders and the followers, since every contribution is highly welcome and appreciated. The main reason for selecting this particular model is because it encourages a consistent review of solutions offered by every member of the team. The team's members are regularly involved hence enabling the leaders to develop and tolerate effective procedures that are in line with the goals of the organization. Additionally, the participative leadership model comes in handy in nurturing individuals who aspire to work in bigger groups, since their communication skills and degree of cooperation with others is vital. Also, this model nurtures honesty, support, trust, and collaboration among team members (Bass Bass 2009, p.1056). Applying My Leadership Model I will personally use my leadership model by basing it upon the foundations of social equality and democracy. To do this, reducing the power differences between a leader and the followers will prove very crucial. As a leader, I would welcome ideas, comments, and opinions from my followers and also involve them in evaluating their contributions. Moreover, I would encourage ideas, comments, and views which I would apply in the creation of goals and visions. Also, I would recognize and award peoples abilities and ideas with the aim of motivating and increasing commitment to the institution. Conclusion A participative leadership model involves the use of open strategy in management. Notwithstanding its participative nature between the leaders and the followers, this model contents with the idea of giving the leader the right to make the final decision. Essentially, the leadership model encourages unity and further appreciates the engagement and participation of all the members involved. Bibliography Bass, B.M. and Bass, R., 2009.The Bass handbook of leadership: Theory, research, and managerial applications. Simon and Schuster. English, F.W., 2006. The unintended consequences of a standardized knowledge base in advancing educational leadership preparation.Educational administration quarterly,42(3), pp.461-472.. Freedman, J., 2012. Being a leader. New York: Rosen Pub. Garrison, J., 2013.Characteristics of an Effective District Leader. ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway, PO Box 1346, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. Gnzel-Jensen, F., Jain, A.K. and Kjeldsen, A.M., 2016. Distributed leadership in health care: The role of formal leadership styles and organizational efficacy.Leadership, p.1742715016646441.. Hill, L.A. and Lineback, K., 2011.Being the boss: The 3 imperatives for becoming a great leader. Harvard Business Press.. Marques, J., 2007.The awakened leader: One simple leadership style that works every time, everywhere. Personhood Press.. Rogers, R., 2012. Leadership communication styles: a descriptive analysis of health care professionals. Journal of Healthcare Leadership, p.47. Sardana, J. and Kumar, M.S., 2016. Role of Knowledge Management in building up effective Leadership Styles: A Study of Modi Continental Tyres Pvt. Ltd.Adhyayan, p.63. Sethuraman, K. and Suresh, J., 2014. Effective leadership styles.International Business Research,7(9), p.165.. Vidic, Z. and Burton, D., 2011. Developing effective leaders: Motivational correlates of leadership styles.Journal of applied sport psychology,23(3), pp.277-291.. Weinzetl, M.P., 2010.Acting out: Outlining specific behaviors and actions for effective leadership. Charles C Thomas Publisher...
Friday, May 1, 2020
Impact of Ransomware on Revenue Cycle-
Question: Discuss about theImpact of Ransomware on Revenue Cycle. Answer: Introduction The recent attacks of the ransomware attacks on the organization revenue system of the world is the main topic of discussion of this report. The company chosen is the Motherboards and More Pty Ltd. the report has a main focus on the analysis off threats and respective solutions of the problems. The report also provides a discussion of the ransomware attacks, its effects and preventive measures (Andronio, Zanero Maggi, 2015). Discussion Motherboards and More Pty Ltd is considered as a medium size organization which is exclusive which is an Australia based firm. The company mainly focuses on the production of computer microchips, motherboards and graphics card. In addition to the manufacturing above products the company is considered to be key computer producers and it repairs all the system that are based in Australia. Motherboards and More Pty is running business for more than 8 years and it has an incorporated framework of ERP (Song, Kim Lee, 2016). Overview of revenue cycle The firm receives the notice of different order for their customer by using telephones or Email which can be placed on the website of this company. The received order can be easily sent to dock which is mainly used for receiving both the incoming and outgoing orders of shipment. However, the increased sales created a negative impact like delay shipment or wrong shipment of products to their customers and it also fail to keep a track on the records of return products (Song, Kim Lee, 2016). Figure 1: Level 0 Data Flow Diagram (Source: Created by Author) Identification of weakness This portion mainly discussion about the methods of controlling the weakness and their effect on the revenue cycle of the given organization. In addition to the above-mentioned problems it also states the possible solution of the weakness (Song, Kim Lee, 2016). Impact of these weaknesses The first weakness of this organization it that it allows the purchase of various goods on credit which directly means that the company is providing the product as a 30 days trial to its customers. This will ultimately hamper the sales operation team in the first month of operation of each product that is being delivered (Pathak Nanded, 2016). The second weakness is the usage of docks for delivering of products and the operation involved are placing of goods in a sequential way to promote easy transport of goods (Pathak Nanded, 2016). Absence of another database is another weakness because all the firms need a database for maintaining a track of records of incoming and outgoing products (O'Gorman McDonald, 2012). In addition to the above-mentioned problems the discount of 2% will reduce profit as it recorded from the revenue cycle that large number of customers opt for 2% discount in return products (O'Gorman McDonald, 2012). Control The firm needs to reduce its credit value as it directly effects the organization. The customers with good credit score are not given credit to maintain its current position in the market (O'Gorman McDonald, 2012). Internal control weaknesses Impact Mitigation (Solutions to overcome problem) Purchase of products on credits Hindrance in sales operation for the first month Checking of credit scores of customers before letting out products Shipment of product using the same dock Losing of count during high sales activity Tracking of delivery services by using software solution Absence of a database Unable to keep records of different goods. Application of a database solution High discount in return Customers always opting for this method leading to less profit Needs to apply alternative solutions Overview of ransomware attack Ransomware attack is considered as the biggest of all cyber-attacks that spread round the whole world. The process mainly involves encryption of files which contain important information and data and thereby preventing its access to them (Kharraz et al., 2015). The infected systems display a message of attack with a demand in payment of 300 dollars to the attackers. The demanded money needs to be deposited in bitcoins whose address was mentioned in the display message (Kharraz et al., 2015). Control to Ransomware Attack The ransomware attack is considered as the biggest cyber-attack that affected more than 99 countries. The firm needs to check the presence of security by using various antivirus programs in their systems. The antivirus programs are very useful in checking the presence of any malware or security in their system. Some of the common used antivirus program are Kaspersky and Quick Heal (Faruki et al., 2012). Backing up of important data containing information must be promoted which mainly helps in building a secure system during any disaster that may take place in the firm. In many disaster cases, the organization can easily resume their operation without facing any issues (Faruki et al., 2012) Conclusion From the above discussion, it can be concluded that the organization needs to check the recommendation provided to it in the recommendation part of the report. This will help the organization to apply certain operations so they effective and useful to organization which are mainly ensured in the business. The analysis of ransomware attack is done, its working principle, it effect has been discussed above properly. Measures to control the ransomware attack like backing up of important data, adopting security measures, appliance of security patches has also been discussed. References Andronio, N., Zanero, S., Maggi, F. (2015, November). Heldroid: Dissecting and detecting mobile ransomware. InInternational Workshop on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection(pp. 382-404). Springer International Publishing. Everett, C. (2016). Ransomware: to pay or not to pay?Computer Fraud Security,2016(4), 8-12. Faruki, P., Laxmi, V., Gaur, M. S., Vinod, P. (2012, October). Mining control flow graph as API call-grams to detect portable executable malware. InProceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Security of Information and Networks(pp. 130-137). ACM. Kharraz, A., Robertson, W., Balzarotti, D., Bilge, L., Kirda, E. (2015, July). Cutting the gordian knot: A look under the hood of ransomware attacks. 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