Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Non Profite Organization
Volunteer Recognition Volunteers are needed in a very broad range of organizations. These organizations include everything from non-profit organizations, internet companies, cities, schools and churches. Ages of volunteers also range from pre-teen to elderly. Volunteers are a key element in any type of organization. Public awareness and recognition of how important volunteers really are is an issue sometimes not easily solved. Recognizing these outstanding individuals is very important when it comes to keeping and recruiting more volunteers for your organization. Volunteers need to know that their hard work and the time that they give up is very appreciated. There are many different ways to recognize volunteers. One way is by holding community events. There was an event put together in a local community, and the community name the day, â€Å"Join Hands Day†. They got all the volunteers from the surrounding communities to submit to them a handprint and these were all displayed in the local park. The whole community participated in this event and there were refreshments and entertainment for everyone. The local newspaper ran articles and all the volunteers knew just how appreciated they really were, by everyone who sponsored and attended the big event. Another way to recognize the volunteers is by doing something a bit more formal. Holding banquets and award ceremonies are wonderful ways to recognize your volunteers. Giving out awards and gifts gives the organization a chance to recognize their volunteers and to give them a token to take home with them to show them they are appreciated. It is fun to hold drawings and have some entertainment also at these ceremonies. Giving you volunteers a fun evening in honor of their hard work can bring about great rewards for an organization. If your organization is not looking to hold an event a personal way to show appreciation is to give gifts to all of the volunteers. Ther... Free Essays on Non Profite Organization Free Essays on Non Profite Organization Volunteer Recognition Volunteers are needed in a very broad range of organizations. These organizations include everything from non-profit organizations, internet companies, cities, schools and churches. Ages of volunteers also range from pre-teen to elderly. Volunteers are a key element in any type of organization. Public awareness and recognition of how important volunteers really are is an issue sometimes not easily solved. Recognizing these outstanding individuals is very important when it comes to keeping and recruiting more volunteers for your organization. Volunteers need to know that their hard work and the time that they give up is very appreciated. There are many different ways to recognize volunteers. One way is by holding community events. There was an event put together in a local community, and the community name the day, â€Å"Join Hands Day†. They got all the volunteers from the surrounding communities to submit to them a handprint and these were all displayed in the local park. The whole community participated in this event and there were refreshments and entertainment for everyone. The local newspaper ran articles and all the volunteers knew just how appreciated they really were, by everyone who sponsored and attended the big event. Another way to recognize the volunteers is by doing something a bit more formal. Holding banquets and award ceremonies are wonderful ways to recognize your volunteers. Giving out awards and gifts gives the organization a chance to recognize their volunteers and to give them a token to take home with them to show them they are appreciated. It is fun to hold drawings and have some entertainment also at these ceremonies. Giving you volunteers a fun evening in honor of their hard work can bring about great rewards for an organization. If your organization is not looking to hold an event a personal way to show appreciation is to give gifts to all of the volunteers. Ther...
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to Handle College Deferrals, Waitlists Rejections
How to Handle College Deferrals, Waitlists Rejections You worked hard in high school to earn high grades. You put in the time to research and visit colleges. You studied for and did well on important standardized tests. And you carefully completed and submitted all of your college applications. Unfortunately, all of that effort doesn’t guarantee an acceptance letter, especially if you’re applying to some of the country’s most selective colleges. Realize, however, that you can take steps to improve your admission chances even if your application has been deferred, waitlisted, and in some cases, rejected. Youve Been Deferred. What Now? Applying to college through an Early Action or Early Decision option is definitely a good idea if you know what school you want to attend, for your chances of admission are likely to be significantly higher than if you apply through regular admission. Students who apply early receive one of three possible outcomes: an acceptance, a rejection, or a deferral. A deferral indicates that the admissions folks thought your application was competitive for their school, but not strong enough to receive an early acceptance. As a result, the college is deferring your application so that they can compare you with the regular applicant pool. This limbo can be frustrating, but it isn’t time to despair. Plenty of deferred students do, in fact, get admitted with the regular applicant pool, and there are several steps you can take when deferred to maximize your chances of being admitted. In most cases, it can be to your advantage to write a letter to the college to reaffirm your interest in the school and present any new information that strengthens your application. How to Deal With College Waitlists Being placed on a waitlist can be even more frustrating than a deferral. Your first step is to learn what it means to be on a waitlist. Youve essentially become a back-up for the college in case it misses its enrollment targets. Its not an enviable position to be in: typically you wont learn that youve gotten off of a waitlist until after May 1st, the day high school seniors make their final college decisions. As with college deferrals, there are steps you can take to help you get off a waitlist. The first, of course, is to accept a place on the waitlist. This is certainly something you should do if you are still interested in attending the school that waitlisted you. Next, unless the college tells you not to, you should write a letter of continued interest. A good letter of continued interest should be positive and polite, restate your enthusiasm for the college, and, if applicable, present any new information that could strengthen your application. Keep in mind that you are most likely going to need to make your decision about other colleges before you learn whether or not youve gotten off a waitlist. To be safe, you should move forward as if youve been rejected by schools that waitlisted you. Unfortunately, this means that should you get off a waitlist, you may need to forfeit your admissions deposit at another college. Can You Appeal a College Rejection? Whereas a deferral or waitlist places you in admissions limbo, a college rejection letter is typically an unambiguous conclusion to the application process. That said, at some schools in some situations, you can appeal a rejection decision. Be sure to find out whether or not the college allows appeals- some schools have explicit policies stating that an admissions decision is final and appeals are not welcome. There are, however, some situations that warrant an appeal. This can include a clerical error on part of the college or your high school, or a major piece of new information that strengthens your application. If you conclude that you are in a situation where an appeal makes sense, youll want to employ strategies to make your appeal effective. Part of the process, of course, will involve writing an appeal letter to the college that politely outlines the justification for your appeal. Be Realistic About Your Chances In all of the situations above, its important to keep your admissions chances in perspective. You should always have a plan in place should you not be admitted. If deferred, the good news is that you werent rejected. That said, your admissions chances are similar to the rest of the applicant pool, and highly selective schools send out far more rejection letters than acceptance letters. If youve been waitlisted, you are more likely to stay on the waitlist than to be admitted. You should move forward as if youve been rejected: visit the schools that have accepted you and choose to attend the one that is the best match for your personality, interests, and professional goals. Finally, if youve been rejected, you have nothing to lose by appealing, but it is certainly a Hail Mary effort. Like a student who has been waitlisted, you should move forward as if the rejection is final. If you get good news, great, but dont plan on your appeal being successful.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Domestic Violence Outline Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Domestic Violence Outline Questions - Essay Example There is also a notion that men are aggressive and combative in nature hence likely to batter their wives. Generally, domestic violence is viewed as women problem hence the picture created is that of a battered woman physically assaulted thus ignoring emotional abuse. It is therefore imperative to ask why women are the most victims as shown by the figures and women advocates’ grievances. Culture is considered a great contributor to domestic violence. Most traditional societies advocated for wife beating as a sign of love and to gain respect (Jaffe, 2006). Culture also determines gender roles in society where a man is supposed to be a provider to the family and the place of a woman is in the kitchen. Women are supposed to be submissive to their husbands and not to question his decisions. Women in some societies do not own property and neither engage in paid jobs hence rely on the husband for survival. Even if engaged in employment they are lowly paid as they take up simple tasks due to their feminism. They are thus prone to abuse by their spouses for example by refusal of financial needs and emotional and physical abuse. Some men who depend on wives for survival are also prone to violence. Boys and girls are socialized into different roles as they grow up and this affects their future. Those who grow up in an abusive family are likely to end up being violent adults (Davis, 1998). On the other hand, not all children exhibit or take up the behavior as adults. Some learn its consequences and would not like to end up as their parents. Some develop fear which makes them prone to abuse. Nowadays people are educated and no longer practice those traditions of wife beating but gender equity has not been achieved and will take long to achieve (Davis, 1998). Feminists should therefore establish new ways of curbing domestic violence. All this debate about
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Evaluation of CRM Contribution Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 20250 words
Evaluation of CRM Contribution - Dissertation Example Like for every other industry, CRM can prove to be an effective strategy for UK banks which will not only help them build and survive in tough competition and harsh economic scenarios but will also help them grow and enjoy customer life time value only if implemented carefully and properly. Evaluation of CRM contribution in order to gain customer retention in the UK banking industry – A case study of Barclays Bank Richmond branch 1 INTRODUCTION Approaching customers and selling company’s offerings is not a new concept; what is new is the change in focus. Previously, companies tend to focus on selling their products and services to the customers irrespective of the fact that whether the solutions offered are required or not and honestly there was no need either because there were quite a few alternatives available which makes the sales of any product easier. However, with the change in time where markets became tight and competition became tough there comes the need to r emodel selling techniques. Now the modern marketing concept, as stated by Jobber & Fahy (2009, p. 3), suggests â€Å"achievement of corporate goals through meeting and exceeding customer needs better than the competition†. Another necessity which aroused with time is the need to retain existing customers than to attract new ones. Research shows that attracting new customers is more expensive than retaining old ones (Jobber & Fahy 2009) and this changed the focus even further. Among several strategies adopted by companies, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has become a focal point. According to Nili & Keramati (2011, p. 527) CRM â€Å"is a business philosophy that provides the organization a vision to deal with customers better†. It helps enhance customer’s experience by offering them real business benefits which not only enhance customer loyalty but also promise increased revenues and profitability for the businesses (Russ 2006). CRM has become an important strategy for all industries and financial markets are no exception. According to Russ (2006) â€Å"Retail banks are facing greater challenges than ever before in executing their customer management strategies. Intensifying competition, proliferating customer contact channels, escalating attacks on customer information, rising customer expectations and capitalizing on new market opportunities are at the top of every bank executive’s agenda.†Given the importance of Customer Relationship Management in financial markets, this research aims to critically evaluate the contribution of CRM towards customer retention in the UK Banking industry. Barclays Bank Richmond branch has been selected as a case to fulfill the purpose of this study. 1.1 Background and Context Customer satisfaction is the main aim of every business as the businessmen know that it is easy to do business with a satisfied customer because it requires fewer resources and less time. The success of a business relies mainly on one factor â€Å"customer retention†and to retain customers it is very important to make sure they are satisfied. Customer retention can increase profits and productivity and forms long term relationships which are beneficial to both parties. Customer Relationship Management is found to be one of the key factors in retaining customers which further ensures company maintains a strong and loyal customer base. With the help of CRM, the customer service personnel can create, allocate and manage any request for service made by the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Tim O’Brien Essay Example for Free
Tim O’Brien Essay Tim O’Brien is a well-know war writer, probably the most famous war writer of our time but also a writer about relationships that disintegrate and how they do so. His novels hinge on his own experiences in the Vietnam War or the time leading up to that experience. But he is not a typical writer of war. In Tim O’Brien’s novels, O’Brien blurs the lines between truth and portrayal of truth or fiction. In essence, he says that there is no such thing as truth. Truth depends on the perception of the person experiencing the episode and what goes on in the mind of this person. The truth fades and shifts or is illuminated further in the telling. Truth is slippery and ever-changing and completely subjective. He blurs these lines over and over again to show the reader the slippery slope of what we call truth. O’Brien, in some ways, can tell the same kinds of stories but with a different focus so they are completely new. Overall, O’Brien believes in the power of stories. As O’Brien says, I’m a believer in the power of stories, whether they’re true or embellished, and exaggerated, or utterly made up. A good story has a power that transcends the question of factuality or actuality†(Bonn).        O’Brien’s novel styles and themes begin right from the start of his career. . If I Die in the Combat Zone, Box Me Up and Ship Me Home was published in 1973. It is a memoir which deals with Vietnam and the region around My Lai. It was the first book that began O’Brien’s genre of what is called â€Å"creative nonfiction. And then comes his first published novel, Northern Lights discusses two brothers. One has returned from war wounded and the two brothers are uncomfortable with their own lives as well as their relationships with their father, who has died. His themes of war and disintegration of relationships begin to be shown in this novel. He continues with these themes in Going After Cacciato published in 1978 and the Nuclear Age in 1985. Going After Caccioto is the story of a soldier who decides to run away from the Vietnam War. In many ways, this novel is an earlier telling of a story from â€Å"The Things They Carried.† The short story â€Å"On the Rainy River†retells this novel, only with a different ending, which characterizes O’Brien’s creative nonfiction. In other words, the novel is another way that the story could have ended, not necessarily the way it did end. Nuclear Age is a discussion of how we would live if confronted with the possibility of nuclear extinction. Then in 1990 he seems to hit a stride and critical acclaim with The Things They Carried. This is a collection of short stories but also a novel in itself as it begins and ends with the same story. The book begins with the quote, â€Å"This is a work of fiction. Except for a few details regarding the author’s own life, all the incidents, names, and characters are imaginary†(O’Brien). Two pages later O’Brien provides a dedication to â€Å"the men of Alpha Company, and in particular to Jimmy Cross, Norman Bowker, Rat Kiley, Mitchell Sanders, Henry Dobbins, and Kiowa.†(O’Brien).  These are the novel’s main characters. The reader is meant to question the blur of the lines between fact and fiction. The reader is meant to ask, â€Å"Why O’Brien would be thanking these men if this work is entirely fiction?† In this book, Tim O’Brien manages this blur of truth in many other ways as well. One of thos e ways is that he creates a narrator who is modeled after himself. This narrator is a Harvard grad, a drafted Vietnam War vet, and goes by the name of Tim O’Brien. The reader is encouraged to connect the narrator with the author as a way to question what is true. The narrator says, â€Å"I want you to feel what I felt. I want you to know why story-truth is truer than happening-truth†(O’Brien 203). When asked in an interview, â€Å"What do you say when people ask, â€Å"Are these stories true?†Tim replies, Tim: â€Å"I tell them to reread the book. It’s kind of the point of the book: What is truth?† Tim explains more thoroughly when he talks in the same interview about getting to a deeper truth through fiction.  â€Å"One of the chapters in â€Å"The Things They Carried†is about a character with my name going to the Canadian border. He meets an old man up there, almost crosses into Canada but doesn’t. I never literally did any of these things, but I thought about it. It was all happening in my dreams and in my head. And the one thing fiction can do is make it seem real. To let the reader participate in this kid making this journey and it feels like it’s really happening. You hope the reader’s asking the same questions that you were back then. You know, like ‘What would I do? Would I go to Canada? What do I think of war?’ So even if the story never happened, literally, it happened in my head.†If I were to tell you the literal truth about that summer, the truth would be that I played a lot of golf and worried a lot about the draft†(Curran).        In other words, what is the real meaning of truth? O’Brien plays with this concept over and over in his fiction. The portrays the strangeness of how the mind works when dealing with memories and hypothetical situations. In the Lake of the Woods published in 1994 A spooked veteran who has secrets discovers that his wife has secrets too. Both of these people â€Å"escape†to the inner recesses of their own minds in order to come to some kind of terms with their lives. O’Brien shows his mastery at blurring the lines between reality and fantasy here as well as the novel focuses on two of his favorite subjects, war and failing relationships. As the couple struggles with the secrets in their relationship, O’Brien uncovers that fact that truth is what we say it is, and what we say determines how and what we think. He continues to blur the lines even further with an essay called The Vietnam in Me in 1994 in which he goes back to Vietnam twenty years later to reflect on the experiences of the Vietnam War. This essay also explores the deterioration of a relationship for him. He basically tries to reconcile what really happened in My Lai in his mind after all these years while faced with the gap opening up between he and Kate. His more recent work changes focus just a bit. War becomes more secondary content. In Tomcat in Love (1998) this humorous story or â€Å"black comedy†as it is called in the Gadfly interview is told from the perspective of a sexist professor who attempts to deal with the disintegration of his relationship. However, he tries to wreak revenge on his ex-wife by sabotaging her current relationship. And in July, July (2002) ten friends reunite about 30 years after they graduate.  They find that many of the same things haunt them now as haunted them then, only they are at totally different places in their lives. This story is much like The Things they Carried in that the individual stories are tied together in the end. One of the characters has been through Vietnam, but more than anything this book is again about re-telling of the truth. The â€Å"truths†that these characters had identified for themselves thirty years ago are different in many ways than their truths of today. Does that make them any less true? When asked about the various truths of this novel,  BRC: Your books, and their characters, display a certain amount of moral ambiguityâ€â€a sense of this is true but that also is trueâ€â€or both could be true at the same time. Does this reflect your personal philosophy? TO: Yes. Truth evolves. Truth is fluid. Truth is a function of language. (If I were to say to you, ‘It’s now 10:00 A.M., I would be telling the ‘truth’ of Boston, Massachusetts, but not the ‘truth’ of Tokyo Japan). A lie, sometimes, can be truer than the truth, which is why fiction gets written. (Bookreporter). Ultimately Tim O’Brien is a writer who deserves all the acclaim he gets as he has much to say not only about war and relationships but about the very essence of truth itself. He is a storyteller in every sense of the word and believes in the power of stories, no matter what kind they are. In an interview, he clearly demonstrates his philosophy about the power of storytelling and truth. Interviewer: What can stories do for us? Tim: Stories do a lot for us. They can help us heal. They can make us feel part of something bigger. We all tell stories to ourselvesâ€â€about today and tomorrowâ€â€we live our lives based on a story we tell ourselves. And we’re constantly adjusting it†¦hoping for a happy ending. (Curran) He describes good fiction as fiction that makes us look inside ourselves and O’Brien is a master even when the â€Å"content†of the stories are not typical for most of us. He can make us look at courage and truth and evaluate our own relationships all in the reading of his fiction. Works Cited Tim O’Brien, Novelist. Retrieved November 27, 2007 at Web Site: http://illyria.com/tobhp.html Iver, Pico, Missing in Contemplation, Time Magazine. 2001, Retrieved November 27, 2007 at Web Site: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1101941024-163119,00.html Bonn, Maria S. Can Stories Save Us? Tim O’Brien and the Efficacy of the Text, Critique, Fall 1994, No 1: 2-5. ’Brien, â€Å"The Things They Carried,†Broadway Publishing. 1991. Curran, Colleen. Tim O’Brien discusses â€Å"The Things They Carried in Richmond for GO READ. Nov. 11, 2003. Retrieved November 27, 2007 at http://www.richmond.com/ae/output.aspx?Article_ID=2730476 Tim O’Brien. Retrieved November 30. 2007 at Web Site: http://www.bookreporter.com/authors/au-obrien-tim.asp
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Whittington Castle :: European Europe History
Whittington Castle When assigned the England project, I wanted to research something having to do with my heritage. My ancestors originate from England. Correspondingly, I chose Whittington Castle. According to an old English legend, one of my family ancestors, Dick Whittington, set out from the castle for London, in search of his fortune. After residing in London for a time, Dick Whittington went on to be "thrice Lord Mayor of London". That piece of history supposedly occurred in 1368, but the first construction of Whittington Castle was in 845 and modeled after the Norman Motte and Bailey castles of the time. Entirely, my information on Whittington Castle came from Internet sources. Because of the unfortunate ruination of ancient castle, it is almost forgotten today. Except for several small web sites, I found little or no information on Whittington castle. One such site was http://www.data-wales.co.uk/whitt.htm. Another site was http://www.btinternet.com/~whittington.castle/. Intriguing was the next site I found: http://www.castlewales.com/whittng.html. Constructing the Whittington castle in 845, the builders designed it after the Motte and Bailey style castles. But it was later remodeled in 1221 replacing the old structure with stone. Originally, the castle was assembled with seven towers, each about 18 meters high, with wall 3.7 meters thick, and a drawbridge over 12 meters long. Now, only the gatehouse remains. Around the castle, extensive marshlands acted as protection in medieval days. The remnants of Whittington castle are situated in the small village of Whittington, a few miles outside of Shrewsbury, England. Originally, the motte castle of Whittington was built by the Welsh Prince Ynyr ap Cadfarch. After being seized by Roger de Montgomery, the castle was given to Sir William Perveril of Peak. Perveril had no male heir; therefore his eldest daughter Mellet inherited the castle. Passing down through marriage to the fitz Warren family, King Henry III granted the fitz Warrens permission to build a stone fortress on the motte foundation. Although friends with King Henry, the fitz Warrens had an interesting love/hate relationship with the English monarchy. Fulk fitz Warren is reputed to have quarreled with Prince John, eventually causing Warren to flee France. He avoided certain death. Subsequent to Fulk's exile and pardon, he was able to return and repossess Whittington castle. Judiciously, the fitz Warren family held the fortress and its grounds until 1420. Interesting is one legend concerning the heirs of Whittington Castle. In the ruins it said that people have seen and heard two children peering out of the twin towers. Whittington Castle :: European Europe History Whittington Castle When assigned the England project, I wanted to research something having to do with my heritage. My ancestors originate from England. Correspondingly, I chose Whittington Castle. According to an old English legend, one of my family ancestors, Dick Whittington, set out from the castle for London, in search of his fortune. After residing in London for a time, Dick Whittington went on to be "thrice Lord Mayor of London". That piece of history supposedly occurred in 1368, but the first construction of Whittington Castle was in 845 and modeled after the Norman Motte and Bailey castles of the time. Entirely, my information on Whittington Castle came from Internet sources. Because of the unfortunate ruination of ancient castle, it is almost forgotten today. Except for several small web sites, I found little or no information on Whittington castle. One such site was http://www.data-wales.co.uk/whitt.htm. Another site was http://www.btinternet.com/~whittington.castle/. Intriguing was the next site I found: http://www.castlewales.com/whittng.html. Constructing the Whittington castle in 845, the builders designed it after the Motte and Bailey style castles. But it was later remodeled in 1221 replacing the old structure with stone. Originally, the castle was assembled with seven towers, each about 18 meters high, with wall 3.7 meters thick, and a drawbridge over 12 meters long. Now, only the gatehouse remains. Around the castle, extensive marshlands acted as protection in medieval days. The remnants of Whittington castle are situated in the small village of Whittington, a few miles outside of Shrewsbury, England. Originally, the motte castle of Whittington was built by the Welsh Prince Ynyr ap Cadfarch. After being seized by Roger de Montgomery, the castle was given to Sir William Perveril of Peak. Perveril had no male heir; therefore his eldest daughter Mellet inherited the castle. Passing down through marriage to the fitz Warren family, King Henry III granted the fitz Warrens permission to build a stone fortress on the motte foundation. Although friends with King Henry, the fitz Warrens had an interesting love/hate relationship with the English monarchy. Fulk fitz Warren is reputed to have quarreled with Prince John, eventually causing Warren to flee France. He avoided certain death. Subsequent to Fulk's exile and pardon, he was able to return and repossess Whittington castle. Judiciously, the fitz Warren family held the fortress and its grounds until 1420. Interesting is one legend concerning the heirs of Whittington Castle. In the ruins it said that people have seen and heard two children peering out of the twin towers.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Developmental psychology Essay
Up until a week ago I thought that the states ideas of â€Å"kindergarten readiness†were just political lip service, but last week my opinion changed. I was in the car listening to an interview on NPR (sadly I do not remember the woman’s name) about a new program called Washington Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills, or WaKIDS. This year is the pilot season for this program. The interview was also on the up and coming mandate the child care workers, and preschool teacher have a Bachelor’s degree. This mandate will go into effect in 2013 in Washington State. The mission statement for WaKIDS is â€Å"The Washington Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills (WaKIDS) is a kindergarten process that: * Welcomes families into the Washington K-12 system as partners in their child’s education. * Gives kindergarten teachers information about the development of children in their classroom to help them teach every childâ€â€data about social/emotional, cognitive, language/literacy and physical development. * Align practices of early learning professionals and kindergarten teachers to support smooth transitions for children. * Offers a statewide snapshot of where children in Washington are in their development at the start of kindergarten, to help inform state-level decisions about policy and investments This program is designed to provide a smooth transition from pre-school to kindergarten and maintain positive development in each child. WaKIDS focuses on four main areas in child development they are physical, social/emotional, cognitive and language. The program aims to maintain a collaberation between child care provides, preschool, early education and policy makers in an effort to provide the best arena for children to develop. These collaborations are in person meetings when a child is transitioning from one â€Å"grade†to another. For example, preschool teachers will meet with kindergarten teacher and discuss each child progress or â€Å"standing†and needs. This aids the next teacher in keeping a positive flow to a child’s education, and it allows for the child to be more personally invested in their own success if they know that they teachers is also invested on a personal level. In the NPR interview the woman who was speaking; she owns a daycare facility, said that she only hires people who have at least a Bachelor’s degree. This is also going to be state mandated by 2013 that every kindergarten teacher have at least a BA, and that there is a 1 to 2 or 1 to 3 ratio of BA holding workers in day cares. The interviewee talked about how she would prefer to hire only those who have college degrees, because they are â€Å"professionally†trained in child development area. I think this is an admirable desire, but it does narrow the employee field because not everyone who is committed to making children’s live better can afford to go to college. This provides material for a great debate, but for me, what it really does is take away from the development of children. Children thrive because they can use their ability to assimilate their surroundings, and the experiences there in. If only people who have college degrees are working with kids imagine how that lessens a child’s experience of life’s diversity. In conclusion, I fully support the desires by the Superintendent’s office to enrich the education standards of this state and heighten the educational level of our children; I am very leery about all the politics that accompany a program such as WaKIDS. I do believe that it is a step in the right direction, and if we as people who work toward the betterment of children will take the risk; we ought to look even further toward education. For example: the Friends school, or Montessori school, or even parochial school. Look at what works. Look into why they provide better education than public schools. And with the guide and more programs like WaKIDS I believe that we will achieve the goal of educating well and enriching our children.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Portrait of the Artist as Filipino Scene I
So far, A Portrait of the Artist as Filipino has been a story about the lives of the Marasigan sisters, Candida and Paula, and their father Don Lorenzo, a well known painter. The story is centered around Don Lorenzo's latest creation, a rather disturbing painting of Aeneas carrying Anchises on his back as they flee from the sacked and burning city of Troy. The painting is a self portrait of Don Lorenzo's younger self carrying his present self, and seems to leave everyone who has gazed upon it a touch unsettled, including the two sisters, who blame the painting for their misfortunes and for their impoverished state.In spite of the fact that the sisters are in need of money for the up keep of themselves and the house, they refuse to sell it for two thousand dollars and dont seem to want to get rid of it for any price at all or even to have it placed on a gallery for display. They have thus far in the story refused to be parted from it, even though they look to it with contempt. The fac t that they do not wish to sell it under their current situation perplexes me.Why not just get rid of it for the substantial amount of money offered by Tony's employer who is willing to pay two thousand dollars for it? If they really are indeed so desperately poor, that they waste their time looking through news paper articles for jobs, taking in strange men to live with them for fifteen pesos a month, and coming up with strange ideas. They could have gotten the money, kicked that Tony character out and lived in a state of dignity once again for a little while before they all died in Intramuros.In the first scene Candida even says something like â€Å"What's the use in having a talent when you cant make any money out of it? †Well, there you go, Don Lorenzo produced something worth two grand, why not make money out of that? Pair of crazy dames indeed. The fact that the painting brings out different reactions in people is very interesting. Others would be ready to throw it in the trash, and for the rest, it's worth a fortune. Some are afraid of it, and it takes people back to their past. Most of the reactions seem to be on a negative side, which is interesting.What is it about the double self portrait of Don Lorenzo that seems to unsettle everyone so much, and why is it called A Portrait of the Artist as Filipino? There's apparently nothing Filipino about it, except for Don Lorenzo, who in the painting is portraying himself as characters from Greek and Roman epics. I can't help but guess at the meaning of his terrible creation, and think that the painting is about a great burden, the burden being Don Lorenzo himself. He paints those eyes with such mastery that everyone in the room, and even beyond it feels the weight of its silent glare. Portrait of the Artist as Filipino Scene I So far, A Portrait of the Artist as Filipino has been a story about the lives of the Marasigan sisters, Candida and Paula, and their father Don Lorenzo, a well known painter. The story is centered around Don Lorenzo's latest creation, a rather disturbing painting of Aeneas carrying Anchises on his back as they flee from the sacked and burning city of Troy. The painting is a self portrait of Don Lorenzo's younger self carrying his present self, and seems to leave everyone who has gazed upon it a touch unsettled, including the two sisters, who blame the painting for their misfortunes and for their impoverished state.In spite of the fact that the sisters are in need of money for the up keep of themselves and the house, they refuse to sell it for two thousand dollars and dont seem to want to get rid of it for any price at all or even to have it placed on a gallery for display. They have thus far in the story refused to be parted from it, even though they look to it with contempt. The fac t that they do not wish to sell it under their current situation perplexes me.Why not just get rid of it for the substantial amount of money offered by Tony's employer who is willing to pay two thousand dollars for it? If they really are indeed so desperately poor, that they waste their time looking through news paper articles for jobs, taking in strange men to live with them for fifteen pesos a month, and coming up with strange ideas. They could have gotten the money, kicked that Tony character out and lived in a state of dignity once again for a little while before they all died in Intramuros.In the first scene Candida even says something like â€Å"What's the use in having a talent when you cant make any money out of it? †Well, there you go, Don Lorenzo produced something worth two grand, why not make money out of that? Pair of crazy dames indeed. The fact that the painting brings out different reactions in people is very interesting. Others would be ready to throw it in the trash, and for the rest, it's worth a fortune. Some are afraid of it, and it takes people back to their past. Most of the reactions seem to be on a negative side, which is interesting.What is it about the double self portrait of Don Lorenzo that seems to unsettle everyone so much, and why is it called A Portrait of the Artist as Filipino? There's apparently nothing Filipino about it, except for Don Lorenzo, who in the painting is portraying himself as characters from Greek and Roman epics. I can't help but guess at the meaning of his terrible creation, and think that the painting is about a great burden, the burden being Don Lorenzo himself. He paints those eyes with such mastery that everyone in the room, and even beyond it feels the weight of its silent glare.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
20 Culture Research Paper Topic Ideas to Impress the Audience
20 Culture Research Paper Topic Ideas to Impress the Audience Creation of a culture research paper is an excellent possibility to dig deeper and gain some extra knowledge from a variety of fields of knowledge as culture unites all the things that were created by people during their conscious existence. The investigations of culture are probably among the most interdisciplinary activities as one topic can be studied from various aspects, and the results of the same research title can be totally different depending on the aspect and means of exploration. 20 Culture Research Paper Topics that Will Impress the Readers Here you will find 20 inspirational topics for writing which encompass both pop culture essay topics and themes which deal with art, literature, and other means of cultural distribution. The Mutual Aspects of Cultural Development within Civilization Discourse between Various Races The Development of Globalization Processes as a Result of International Cultural Interaction The Growth of Subcultures as the Manifestation of Modern Cultural Tendencies Reasons for Intercultural Conflicts between Various Races on the Basis of Religion The Moral Standards as the Reflection of Cultural Level of the American Population The Time of Informational Freedom – How Does It Impact the Development of Culture in the World The Outfit of Various Ethnic Groups – Comparative Analysis of Things People Are Accustomed to Wearing Nowadays The Video Games as a New Species of Interactive Pop Culture That Breeds New Generations The Internet as a Peak Achievement in the Development of International Culture Social Networks – How They Are Killing Personal Identity What is the Role of Celebrities as the Carriers of Mass Culture to the Society The Lyrics of Modern Songs as a Heritage for Future Generations The Comparison of Cultural Value between Classical and Modern Arts The Language as Cultural Reflection of the Nation’s Social Background Is the Modern Cinematography Filled with Violence that Disrupts the Moral Values of the Society  The Philosophy of Culture and How It Was Accepted by the Society in the Ancient Times The Peculiarities of Architecture of Religious Buildings of Various Religious Confessions as the Representation of Cultural Beliefs The World’s Literary Fund – the Greatest Treasure of the Culture Pop-Cultures that Were Born due to the Impact of Mass Media Love – the Greatest Socio-Cultural Phenomenon Choose one of these ideas, find our strong facts to support the issue, and enjoy the successful paper that is going to bring you the highest possible grade. Sample Essay: Instagram – the Vanity Fair of Modern Pop Culture Try to guess which feeling is indispensable for human nature for many centuries? Here is the prompting: â€Å"What a nice chariot has this patrician?!†; â€Å"The horse of this knight from Birmingham is amazing!†; â€Å"The Louboutin shoes of this girl can be compared only with her bag from Prada!†So, this feeling is envy. The commandment  «Love your neighbor†was transformed into â€Å"Discuss your neighbor†and â€Å"Compare yourself with your neighbor†. In the modern world, it’s much easier to follow this rule. One doesn’t need to go to the knight tourney or ball as now it’s quite enough just to take a photo with your â€Å"metal horse†and share it with others in social networks. The illusion of the photo works perfectly: other people believe that the person on the photo is the lucky one, and their lives are so boring in comparison with him or her. They say that Facebook is for clever people, Twitter – for lazy and Instagram – for attractive. The last one became a real vanity fair where everyone can boast with something he or she is proud of new Botox lips or appetizing hamburger. That’s the new type of a superhero – the â€Å"example-person†. Such a person doesn’t have some supernatural powers and lives only on the screens of the smartphones, gathers â€Å"likes†, and serves as an example of a successful life about which all average users should dream about. We try to look like this person and get upset when understand how difficult it is. However, don’t trust everything from the web. In autumn 2015, one of the superheroes of our time became sick and tired of everything. 19 years old Australian Essena ONeill – the owner of the Instagram account with half a million of followers, left the social network and shared the truth which was hidden behind each of her photos. Essena became popular in a simple way: selfies, photos of fashionable looks and sportive body gathered a lot of followers. After this numerous brands started to pay her for selfies and hashtags in their products. Sometime later, she opened the truth – all these photos weren’t real. The girl could make hundreds of photos to get one perfect. Social networks aren’t real life. Be careful when admire such photos and ask yourself what was the aim of this or that photo. Hanna Krasnova, the professor from Berlins Humboldt University, states that photos in Instagram demonstrate success, welfare, and happiness. They make us compare our own achievements with the achievements of others. It may even cause low self-esteem. Krasnova provided a research where she gave the definition to the phenomenon of â€Å"Vanity fair†: When you see some nice photos of your friend – the only way of compensation is self-presentation – you post even better photos; your friend sees them and posts better photos again. It’s a never-ending circle: self-presentation causes self-presentation, and the world of social networks becomes even further from the real world. The researches confirm that social media possession makes us unhappy. More and more people worry because of the decision which photo to post doubting whether it is perfect or not. â€Å"Consume responsibly†– such a note should be added not only to beer bottles but to social networks as well. Hundreds of followers and â€Å"likes†are often only the sign that the person has mastered the commandment  «Discuss your neighbor†. The happiness which we see on the Instagram photos is not always present in the real life. References: Trompenaars, F., Hampden-Turner, C. (1997) Riding the Waves of Culture. Understanding Cultural Diversity in Business. 2nd ed. London: Nicholas Brealey https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/baa5/8e86493834d21459cba14437d8900542d666.pdf Campbell, L.M. 2005. Overcoming obstacles to interdisciplinary research. Conservation Biology 19:574–577. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/84a7/6db8fb7ba0bc77d179dda25b3419a4d3d525.pdf Brosius, J. P. 2006. Common ground between anthropology and conservation biology. Conservation Biology 20:683–685. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/j.1523-1739.2006.00463.x Nyhus, P.J., F.R. Westley, R.C. Lacy and P.S. Miller. 2002. A role for natural resource social science in biodiversity risk assessment. Society and Natural Resources 15:923–932. https://digitalcommons.colby.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1044context=faculty_scholarship Kastanakis, M. and Voyer, Benjamin G. (2014) The effect of culture on perception and cognition: a conceptual framework. Journal of Business Research, 67 (4). pp. 425-433. http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/50048/1/__lse.ac.uk_storage_LIBRARY_Secondary_libfile_shared_repository_Content_Voyer,%20B_Effect%20culture%20perception_Voyer_Effect%20culture%20perception_2014.pdf Scott, J. 2009. Social Network Analysis: A Handbook, 2nd Edition. London: SAGE Publications. http://arts.uwaterloo.ca/~pjc/pubs/Sage_Hbook/Sage%20Chap17.pdf
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Effective Lesson Objectives
Effective Lesson Objectives Lesson objectives are the key element in creating effective lesson plans. The reason for this is that without stated objectives, there is no measure of whether a particular lesson plan produces the desired learning results. Therefore, time needs to be spent before creating a lesson plan by writing effective objectives. The Focus of Lesson Objectives In order to be complete and effective, objectives must include two elements: They must define what is going to be learned.They must give an indication of how that learning will be assessed. First, an objective tells students what they are going to be learning in a lesson. However, the objective does not end there. If it did, they would read like a table of contents. In order for an objective to be complete, it must give the students some idea of how their learning is going to be measured. Unless your objectives are measurable in some manner, there is no way that you can produce the evidence necessary to show that the objectives were in fact met. Anatomy of a Lesson Objective Objectives should be written as a single sentence. Many teachers like to start their objectives with a standard beginning such as: Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to.... Objectives must include an action verb that helps the students understand what they are going to learn and how they will be assessed. In Blooms Taxonomy, Bloom looked at verbs and how they related to learning, dividing them into six levels of thinking. These verbs are an excellent starting point for writing effective objectives. A simple learning objective that meets the criteria listed above is: Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to convert fahrenheit to celsius. By stating this objective from the beginning, students will understand exactly what is expected of them. Despite everything else that might be taught in the lesson, they will be able to measure their own learning if they can successfully convert fahrenheit to celsius. In addition, the objective gives the instructor an indication of how to prove that learning has taken place. The teacher should create an assessment that has the student perform temperature conversions. The results from this assessment show the teacher whether or not the students have mastered the objective. Pitfalls When Writing Objectives The main problem that teachers encounter when writing objectives is in the choosing of the verbs that they use. As previously stated, Blooms Taxonomy is a great place to find many action verbs that can be used when writing learning objectives. However, it can be tempting to use other verbs that are not part of the taxonomy such as enjoy, understand, appreciate, and like. An example of an objective written using one of these words is: Upon completion of this lesson, the student will understand why tobacco was such an important crop to the settlers in Jamestown. This objective does not work for a couple of reasons. The word understand leaves a lot open to interpretation. There were a number of reasons why tobacco was important to the settlers at Jamestown. Which one should they understand? What if historians disagree about the importance of tobacco? Obviously, because there is a lot of room for interpretation, students do not have a clear picture of what they are expected to have learned by the end of the lesson. Second, the method for measuring learning is not clear at all. While you might have an essay or other form of assessment in mind, the student is not given insight into how their understanding will be measured. Instead, this objective would be much clearer if it was written as follows: Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to explain the impact that tobacco had on the settlers at Jamestown. Upon reading this objective, students know that they are going to be learning about not only the impact that tobacco had on the colony, but they are also going to have to explain that impact in some manner. Writing objectives is not meant to be a form of torture for teachers, but instead, it is a blueprint for success for both teachers and students. Create your objectives first, and many questions that need to be answered about your lesson will fall into place.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Chemistry (Metallic glasses) Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Chemistry (Metallic glasses) - Term Paper Example In particular multicomponent metals, the phase transformation from super cooled liquid to crystalline phase is retarded by orders of 8 to 9. The high glass forming ability, castability, printability and unique characteristics of glassy alloys extend applications when compared to the conventional crystalline alloys. Table 1 gives examples of glassy alloys and when they were first reported. The highest glass forming ability is achieved at compositions near the multicomponent eutectic point with the lowest melting point and is evaluated based on thermal stability parameters of reduced glass transition interval of super cooled liquid region (Inoue, Wang and Zhang, 3). It is reported that the tensile strength of bulk glassy alloys is higher than that of crystalline alloys of the same young’s modulus whereas their young’s modulus is a third as high as crystalline alloys of the same tensile strength. Alloy systems are classified as ferrous and nonferrous (Table 3 and Table 1). The discovery and development of bulk glassy alloys were based on research on alloys that bore the three component rules for the stabilization of super cooled liquid. The first rule is the need for a multicomponent that consists of more than three elements. The second is components having atomic mismatches greater than 12% of the three elements, and the third is the negative heat of mixing among the three major components. An excellent linear relationship satisfying Hooks law has also been observed between tensile strength and young’s modulus (figure 3). The twist angle and shear stress has been found to be 3 times higher than for crystalline alloys. The bulk glassy alloys have high strength reflected by fatigue endurance limits after 107cycles ranging between 0.15 to 0.38 and dynamic durability (Inoue, Wang and Zhang, 4). The endurance of glassy alloys when used as machinery parts has been found
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